See below for private commission info.

Commissions are opened on a slot by slot basis. I'll post on my social media and my art Discord server whenever I am open. Patrons on my Patreon get first dibs on commission slots before the public slots. Commission posts will contain how many slots I'll be taking and what art types I'll be offering. Unless stated otherwise, all produced works will be for non-commercial use only. I am available for commercial freelance work which is contract based and pricing will be discussed.

All commissions will be done digitally and there will be no hard copies so shipping of any kind is not required. All base pricing is based on single characters. Payments are USD through PayPal (PayPal will convert your currency to USD if you are a member outside of the US). Please select the ‘services’ option and 'no shipping required’ when paying.

Please note that I have a very long wait time and do not have a regular turn around time. Art is my full time job and I must take on enough work to pay for things. I am also a disabled artist and this can at times make me unable to produce content. Wait times are highly susceptible to change and unknown delays may occur. Please have patience and keep this in mind if you are wanting a commission. I will try to keep you updated the best I can in case there is a delay. Feel free to contact with me any concerns or updates. Also, check out my public queue on Trello to see where you are.

Public Queue/WIP

Work Schedule

Work Days: Mon-Thurs*
Personal/Days Off: Fri-Sun
*Highly susceptible to change and unknown delays may occur due to health or offline life occurrences.

Terms of Service

By sending payment, you agree to all terms listed.
I have the right to refuse a commission at any time or if I feel uncomfortable with the content or character.
I require at least half of the payment before starting or you will lose your slot!
I do not work on a "first come first serve" basis. Smaller commissions/ commissions that do not take much time may be worked on in between larger commissions/ commissions requiring more time.
I will do refunds if discussed ahead of time (do not chargeback!) after a month has passed and it must be within reason. Failing to meet your own financial obligations is not a legitimate cause for a refund. If I am unable to complete the commission a refund will be issued. Refund amount will be based on how much of the work has been completed.(65% refunded in the lineart stage, 50% refunded in the flat color stage, and 30%-20% in the shading/final touches stage). Client will not receive any files of the commission and the work may be altered and resold by me as a YCH. If artwork has been fully completed the contract is considered closed and no refund will be issued.
I require all information about the commission up front when ordered. This includes any reference material, descriptions, and ideas. Any information sent after the approval of the commission will be declined. Please have an idea of what you want when requesting a commission!
I can make small edits to the art if I missed a detail or made a mistake on completed art but cannot make large edits or redraws once past the sketch stage.
I require credit if art posted to your gallery or social media or (Note: Do not post art that is mature to Twitter as they do not have a proper filter.)
If there is a certain date you want the art by please tell me before ordering as this will require a +30% of the base price fee for the rush order. Otherwise art will be completed within my schedule.
Charging back and failing to discuss refunds with me, failing to follow my TOS, being overly demanding or rude will result you being blacklisted and you forfeit your commission with a refund based on how much work was done (see above). You will be reported for posting or using any completed art if you are blacklisted. You may not have third parties commission art for you.

Will Draw

Anthropomorphic Characters/Creatures
Fantasy/Mythological Creatures/Monsters
User Created Open/Closed Species (Sushi Dogs, Groll Grogs, Cloverpups, Ailidae Dogs, Fumis, Cookie Doves, Birdfolk, etc.)
Pet Portraits (Note: They will stylized versions of your pet!)
Fictional Human/Humaniod/Kemonomimi Characters (Will be picky.)
Mild Nudity (Barbie/Ken style. Will be picky.)
Mild Violence/Gore (Candy Gore, Blood, etc)
Couple/Ship Art (With exceptions, see below in will not draw list.)

Will Not Draw

Offensive Materials (Racism, Homophobia, etc)
Erotica/Porn of Any Kind
Fetish Art
Inflation/Hyper (Disproportionate) Body Parts (Breasts, Genitalia, Fat, Muscle, etc)
Excessive Gore or Violence
Child/Underage Characters (in actual age and appearance) in Sexual Situations or Sexualized
Child-Adult Pairings (Ships)/Incest
Soiled Diapers
Images of Real People
Mecha/Overly Complex Machines or Vehicles
Complex Designs such as Knot Work or Handlettering

HEADSHOT SKETCH $7.00 USD: Headshot sketch in color of your character. No background or simple background.

FULL BODY SKETCH $10.00 USD: Full body sketch in color of your character. No background or simple background.

Additional characters are + $5.00 each. Complex character designs may raise the cost.

HEADSHOT SIMPLE FLATCOLOR $12.00 USD: A headshot of your character with transparent background.

FULL BODY SIMPLE FLATCOLOR $15.00 USD: A fullbody of your character with transparent background.

Additional characters are + $5.00 each. Complex character designs may raise the cost.

HEADSHOT/SHOULDER UP ILLUSTRATION $25.00 USD: A headshot/shoulder up of your character with a simple or complex background.

FULL BODY FLATCOLOR ILLUSTRATION $35.00 USD: A flatcolor fullbody of your character with a simple or complex background.

FULL BODY SHADED ILLUSTRATION $50.00 USD: A fully rendered fullbody piece with a complex background.

SCREENSHOT STYLE ILLUSTRATION $40.00 USD: A piece of your character made to look like a fake screenshot. Can be a headshot, shoulders up, or fullbody with or without shading. Dialogue can be included.

Additional characters are + $10.00 each. Complex character designs may raise the cost.

BUST ICON $9.00 USD: A bust icon of your character with a simple round background.

PORTRAIT ICON $14.00 USD: A portrait icon of your character that with a simple or complex background.

Icons are single character only!